Body Type Analysis

If you are ready to learn the tools to embrace your body and feel fabulous in your own skin, this service is your dream come true.

This is what this service entails:

The Body Type Breakdown: We will identify your body type and its key characteristics.

✨Learn to Dress for Your Body Type: We will discuss and you will learn how to highlight your beautiful body that will allow you to choose clothing that flatters all the right places.

✨The Importance of Fabrics: We will discuss which fabrics you should be looking for when you shop so that the items you choose flow best with your body shape.

✨Your Body Type Reference Guide:  This guide will tell you everything that we are covering during our session. It will be your go-to resource as you move forward in your style journey.

✨Hands-on Learning: During our session, we will look at a couple of your favorite outfits and I will teach you what works and what doesn't about those outfits when it comes to your unique body.

The Investment: $400

**This package does not include a closet session, evaluating wardrobe gaps, shopping, styling, or look books**

Don't live locally in the Charlotte Metro?  All services can be completed virtually.

Schedule a FREE 15-minute Style Possibilities Call

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Have questions?  On this call, we will discuss your needs and determine if I am the Stylist you want to work with.